这星期日9月16日是地藏菩萨圣诞,我们在悉昙办公室将举办共修聚会,早上 9:00AM 至下午4:00PM 。愿藉此机缘,祈求地藏菩萨加佑,化解世界紧张之情势,与世人的仇恨和伤痛,祝祷国家社会的和平。
This coming Sunday (9/16/01) is the birthday of Earth Bodhisattva.
We will be having a ceremony and practice day here in our Siddham
office, from 9AM to 4PM. With this special and auspicious day,
we would like to pray for the blessings of Earth Bodhisattva,
to help resolve the tension and hatred in the world, and pray
for world peace.